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FOTO: Kate Middleton već dugo nije imala ovako dobru ljetnu haljinu, idealnu jer krojem prikriva sve nedostatke a strateški naglašava adute…

Vojvotkinja Kate Middleton pojavila se u dvorištu imanja u ljetnikovcu u Sandringhamu na sastanku u ‘tea’ haljini, popularnoj ‘košulja’ haljini, koja je pravo osvježenje nakon mjeseci boravka u izolaciji zbog pandemije koronavirusa…..

Princ William i Kate Middleton vratili su svojim službenim dužnostima. U ljetnikovcu u Sandringhamu ugostili su pripadnike civilne zaštite i osobno im zahvali za njihov doprinos uslijed pandemije koronavirusa. Odabirom haljine Kate Middleton ponovno je oduševila modnu javnost. Naime, jednostavna haljina A kroja, u kojoj se vojvotkinja od Sussexa pojavila u dvorištu imanja idealan je odabir jer prikriva sve nedostatke, a strateški naglašava adute.


Premda u vrtu nije organizirala tradicionalnu čajanku, već sastanak, ‘tea’ haljina se odlično uklopila u ambijent. Riječ je o košulji-haljini s potpisom brenda Suzannah London, čije se cijene haljina kreću između sedam i deset tisuća kuna.

Vojvotkinja je stajling začinila omiljenim Castaner espadrilama na petu, zlatnim naušnicama s potpisom brenda Daniella Draper i Sézane narukvicom.


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Kensington Palace revealed that the Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has awarded £1.8 million in grants to support the frontline community and the nation’s mental health, throught a bispoke fund which was set up in response to COVID-19. A total of ten charities will receive grants from the fund. The grants, made to ten leading charities at the heart of mental health and frontline support, build on the work that The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has already done in recent months to support those on the frontline of the pandemic in the UK, and the mental health sector. Working in partnership with NHS England, some of the funds will ensure individual grief trauma counseling will be offered to all frontline workers. More from Emily Nash in her Hello! story: “The bespoke fund will boost a range of projects, from ensuring all emergency workers have access to individual grief trauma from Hospice UK, to helping early years charity Best Beginnings support an extra 20,000 new mothers , thanks to a community mental health training project to reach pregnant women and new parents. It will also support teachers, children and parents in coping with mental health issues such as anxiety as schools re-open in September, by offering training and resources from Place2Be and The Anna Freud Centre.” There will also be funding directed toward building the capacity of the Heads Together partners as they work jointly on a campaign to directly address the nation’s mental health as the population adjusts to life after COVID-19. Earlier this week, William and Kate met with four representatives on the Sandringham estate from organisations benefiting from the grants, two mental health counsellors and two emergency responders. They heard about the incredible challenges they’ve been dealing with and their views on the months ahead.

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