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FOTO: Oskarovac Sean Penn u tajnosti treći put uplovio u bračnu luku! Srce mu je osvojila 31 godinu mlađa glumica Leila George

Prije tri godine holivudski glumac i dvostruki oskarovac Sean Penn započeo je ljubavnu vezu s upola mlađom djevojkom, glumicom Leilom George. Mnogima se tada njihova ljubav činila hirom, nepromišljenim potezom pa i skandalom ali Penn je sada dokazao da su za njega godine samo broj! Leila George i Sean Penn u strogoj tajnosti izmjenili su bračne zavjete su u Kaliforniji….

Za vjenčanje holivudskog glumca i mlađahne glumice doznalo se slučajno. Njihovi zajednički prijatelji čestitali su im putem Instagrama i tako javnosti otkrili tajno vjenčanje 59-godišnjeg Seana Penna i 28-godišnje Leile George.

Sean i Leila vezu su započeli u ranu jesen 2016. godine, kada je njoj bilo samo 24. Mnogima je tada njihova ljubav izgleda nevjerojatno i kao puki hir dvostrukog oskarovca. Pogotovo jer Penn iz bivšeg braka sa suprugom Robin Wright ima dvoje djece, kćer Dylan čak je godinu dana starija od njegove sadašnje partnerice, dok je sin Hopper ima 26 godina. Leilin otac Vincent D’Onofrio, pak,  godinu je dana stariji od Seana Penna.


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SWIPE RIGHT>>>>>>> I rarely post these kinda photos. Because some people take the opportunity to write mean/ gross things. BUT they seem to be the photos all my followers like the most, share the most and save the most. Unlike when I post about climate change. Those posts get the least likes, the least shares. SO… in a sneaky Trojan horse-esque way here’s this AND also something that’s REALLY ACTUALLY IMPORTANT to share!! PLEASE SHARE STRIKE WITH US ⚫️ link in bio And if you don’t believe in climate change then just move along… don’t take the time to comment me negativity… what’s the point ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ . . On September 20th — three days before the UN Climate Summit takes place in New York City — young people and adults are striking all across the U.S. and world to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. The climate crisis is the largest threat of our time, and we’re counting on our collective power to demand immediate and decisive action. This is our opportunity to move beyond the traditional climate bubble and expand the table of who is involved in this movement. It is time to lift up the voices and stories of young people on the frontlines of this crisis and ensure we are creating an intergenerational and intersectional climate justice movement. We, as a global society, are at a crossroads. We have a decision to make. Are we going to choose money or power or are we going to choose the future? This strike is an invitation to choose us. Choose the kids, choose humanity, choose the future. To #StrikeWithUs, head to and sign up to host or join an action near you. @futurecoalition #climatestrike #strikewithus

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Prva supruga bila mu je pop zvijezda Madonna. Par se upoznao 1985. i iste godine, šest mjeseci nakon ljubavi na prvi pogled, su se vjenčali. Zajedno su glumili u filmu ‘Shanghai Surprise’, a Madonna je svoj treći album ‘True Blue’ posvetila upravo Pennu.


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Ipak, idili je brzo došao kraj: Sean Penn je uhićen zbog napada na fotografa i njegovi ispadi u javnosti su postajali sve češći. Pjevačica je krajem 1987. predala zahtjeve za razvod pa ih uskoro povukla, ali početkom 1989. odlučila je da je kraj.

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