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Kako ‘dosadnu’ vodu učiniti ukusnijom? Otkrili smo trikove (i jedan RECEPT) za osvježenje kad nastupe paklene vrućine ….

Visoke temperature nameću potrebu za unošenjem tekućine u organizam. A obična voda često je ‘dosadno’ rješenje. Međutim, esencijalnoj tekućini uvijek možemo dodati malo okusa pa ne čudi da su portale preplavili recepti za obogaćenu vodu. Ovdje nije riječ o aromatiziranoj vodi koju možemo kupiti u trgovini, riječ je o prirodnim dodacima…

Ako niste ljubitelj vode, koja je jedan od izvora zdravlja, onda bi voda s okusom mogla biti idealno rješenje za vas, a i za roditelje koji žele da njihova djeca razviju naviku pijenja vode.



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3 new flavours to try 💦 @samanthahadadi orange and rosemary 💦 @thelivecleantribe lemon, cucumber and mint 💦 @twobitches_inakitchen pineapple, ginger and coriander I love them all. Which one would you choose? Let me know what combinations you love. Questions I get asked all the time. 1. When I slice the fruit very finely I refill the bottle with water multiple times during the day then discard the fruit. Most of the flavour, colour and nutrients are gone by that stage. 2. When I use whole fruits like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries etc, I scoop them out and eat them. 3. There are no rules. If you want to eat the fruit, eat it. If you don’t, then don’t. 4. Fresh is best. Only make what you will consume in a day. 5. My bottles are recycled 750ml sauce jars. Enjoy. . . . . . #dowhatyoulove #plantbased #cleaneating #detox #healthy #healthyfood #summer #skincare #skincareroutine #foodphotography #hydration #healthyeating #healthykids #raw #fruit #fruitwater #water #detoxeater #weightloss #detoxfood #fitness #fruit #rawvegan #darling #friendship #hydrate #wellness #heresmyfood #fruitwater #rawcrushfullyrawfebruary #rawcrushbyfionasheppard

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Portal donosi recept za vodu s okusom spa menadžera poznatog hotela u Aspenu, Cecelie McKibben koja tvrdi da je voda s okusom iz spa centara uvijek najfinijeg okusa, a tajna je u tome da biste večer prije korištenja u bokal s vodom trebali staviti i željene sastojke kako bi preko noći pustili svoje arome.

Također napominje da se u njihovom hotelu koristi samo pročišćena voda i organski uzgojene namirnice, što također doprinosi bogatom okusu.


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When @dimplejayesh told me she added a cinnamon stick to her orange and rosemary water, I could help but try 💦 Apple, basil, pomegranate and cinnamon stick and it was amazing!! Give it a go and let me know if you love it too. 💦 suggested lemon, mint and lavender. Yum 💦 And my own pear, mint, lime and kaffir lime leaf. Currently drinking. Which is your favourite? . . . . . #dowhatyoulove #plantbased #cleaneating #detox #healthy #healthyfood #summer #skincare #skincareroutine #foodphotography #hydration #healthyeating #healthykids #raw #fruit #fruitwater #water #detoxeater #weightloss #detoxfood #fitness #fruit #rawvegan #darling #friendship #hydrate #wellness #heresmyfood #fruitwater #rawcrushfullyrawfebruary #rawcrushbyfionasheppard

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Ako želite uživati u okusu vode kakvu piju gosti luksuznog hotela u Aspenu, donosimo vam jednostavan RECEPT.

Potrebni sastojci za vodu s okusom:

• 9 čaša pročišćene vode
• 1 žlica naribanog đumbira
• 1 veliki krastavac, narezan na tanke ploške
• 1 veliki limun, narezan na tanke ploške
• 13 lista metvice

Sve sastojke stavite u vodu i u veliku posudu te ostavite preko noći u hladnjaku.

Naravno, u tako pripremljenu vodu možete dodati voće ( ili povrće!) prema vlastitoj  želji.


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